I realize I have talked ad nauseum about our garden and that many are probably sick of hearing about it. I totally get it. We have had fun watching it grow and seeing what all comes out of it. One day, when the hub and I retire and live out our dream, we will live in a big farmhouse with lots of acreage and a huge garden that will feed our family and friends all summer. During the past few weeks, we have noticed strange holes and activity around our garden. The dog has been very interested in certain areas around the yard and we have seen quite a few chipmunks(ground squirrels) around. Today was a sad day for the chipmunk family as one of theirs fell victim to something in the yard. As Jack the garden gnome looked on, little chipmunk must have taken his last breaths after snacking on a half rotten Roma tomato and finishing it off with some rogue volunteer dill that wound up in a non-veggie bed. At least he went out on a healthy meal. G went outside with me to pick some veggies for dinner and ended up doing the heebie geebie dance when she found the poor fly bitten carcas outside. After the hub did removal duty, we continued our harvesting. If you have ever hear the term "the silence was deafening", you'll understand what I felt all of a sudden. My sweet husband is not one who is light of foot and usually you can tell where he is depending on the volume of his footsteps. But, alas, there was no shuffling noise. I looked up to make sure he was okay and found him standing still looking at the playset. This is what I saw when I looked:

Now, I want you to look very close and see if there is anything that looks out of place. Or of a brighter color than the rest of the playset. See it yet? Let me give you a closer look:

We are not really tall people. About average, I would say. Let's just say that it would have taken a bit of doing for us to get a tomato up on the lofty perch where this one finds itself. The crazy squirrels carried that thing all the way up there. And those are Park's Whopper tomatoes. They aren't small. I guess I am going to have to invest in one of those battery powered owls with the red eyes and rotating head that you perch in your garden. My pie plate noisemaker/scarecrow has been overtaken by the crawling cukes and has been rendered mute and useless. Let's just say, it is never dull in our yard.
I can't wait to see how far that blasted squirrel gets with a habanero pepper before his mouth burns up en route. Should be interesting. Night all.
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It was a delight last year to find a half-eaten jalapeno in my garden. Squirrels didn't come back after that...