Friday, July 10, 2015

Can't they take the sumer off?

I just have to know something, friends. Why can't mean girls take the summer off? I mean, really. We were having a pretty nice evening outside. The kids were playing; the adults were engaged in pleasant conversation. Then my phone rang with a Face Time call. I didn't recognize the number, but G did and asked if she could answer it. Sure. Her account is linked to mine, so occasionally I will get some of her little friends FaceTiming. She returned after about five minutes with wet eyes and a red face. She sat back down in her chair next to mine and sighed heavily. "Well, (Girl X) called and asked if I was having a birthday party. I told her I wasn't sure. So then she showed me that (Girl Y) was with her for swimming and a sleepover. They kept telling me how I was left out. Then they hung up." I would have been completely shocked if this had been the first time for this behavior, but it wasn't. If my child doesn't answer the FaceTime, they will send screen shots of themselves to let her know she is being left out. The hub is currently putting more restrictions and blocks on her device to prevent this crap from happening again. But I know it will. But why can't they just give her a little break? She tries so hard to be kind to others and never let anyone feel left out. The same courtesy does not apply. I long for the days when the wildest thing one tween could do was to prank call the bowling alley and ask if they had ten pound balls. "Well yes, of course we do, honey." "Well then how do you walk?". Hahahaha. Sorry, friends. Jenny just got a bit blue there, but that was as horrible as we got. We didn't have phones or Touches or iPads. We had to talk to people or just stay away from them if they were ugly. There's something to be said for that.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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