I took the girls back to school shopping for their supplies today. The boy escaped with his other two musketeers from school and went tumbling and wore himself out all afternoon. I have to think it was less intense than the school supply section at Target. "It says you need a 2 inch three ring notebook...is this one okay?". Mom, that says 1.5inch. You cannot do that. Tensions were high. When I had the gaul to suggest a Target brand multi pack of highlighters vs a two pack of Sharpie brand highlighters for the same price, well, things got rough. Another mother was heard to say, " I don't ant to crush your school supply joy, but you need to dial it back. We want to have supper tonight." We looked at each other and did everything but hit our fists on our chests and flash peace symbols at each other whilst saying "Word." I knew it was time to leave and resume our search another day when digging through piles of spirals to find two 3 subject notebooks in a sea of 5 subject notebooks almost disintegrated into a fist fight...between two mothers(I was not one of them). I grabbed a couple quickly while words were being exchanged and ran. Hopefully when I take the boy, it will not be such a nightmare. Who am I fooling? With each passing day, it only gets worse. I remember last year saying out loud, when going to look for supplies on a Sunday, on tax free weekend, "I will bake soeone a cake if they will just find me a 24 pack of Crayolas. A 24 pack!". I was dead serious...ready to get an address and any food allergy information.
It is time for baths and relaxing at our house. I will try to soak and forget about the mean spiral notebook ladies and the receipt that will haunt my bank account for several months.
Night all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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