Thursday, July 23, 2015

Birthday boy in the house

The hub has official turned another year older today. We had really hoped he could take the day off, but unfortunately it was not to be. Because the children are in various states of camp and out of town, we will be stretching the celebration over the next few days so that all the children can be part of his celebration. The boy worked very hard to make a special treat that his dad would enjoy. He found a cherry coke jello treat. He did everything except boil the water...though we did have a lesson on superheating water in the microwave, but I digress. Here he is hard at work:

After it was properly chilled, he put the finishing touches on his masterpiece. It was mighty tasty:

I went against the recipe and got Cool Whip instead of Reddi-Whip. It tasted quite nice, but didn't have the fancy spray whipped cream look. We go for the rustic look around here. The hub enjoyed it along with lasagna, garlic pull aparts and fresh cuke and mater salad fresh from the garden. Afterwards, the boy wanted his presents opened up because the suspense was killing him. He insisted buying the gifts with his own money. This is what he got him:

The hub likes Twizzlers, so he received a package of Twizzlers for his own personal consumption and a FOUR POUND JAR of Red Vines to take the office and share with his "friends". So if you work with him, go to his office and get some candy. I think he may have enough.

Tomorrow we get G back from camp. I have a feeling she is going to be completely soaked from luggage to toes. She is gonna be one stinky, soggy girl, but I hope that she has pushed the limits of her comfort and has done some things that make her scared. She is awfully brave and I can't wait to hear all about it...after she wakes up from her post camp conk out.

If you live in our area and want to support te high school band, come to the school at 4 and watch the Bobcat Band show what they have learned so far at band camp. Those kids have worked so hard!

Speaking of band, I've got to go pick up my bass drummer. Have a great evening!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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