Sunday, June 21, 2015

Well, crap

Soooo, I had a post that was really funny. It was all about the night before VBS. I went to look up a factoid about our theme this year, went back to finish the poem(yes a poem)and it was gone. I used my limited knowledge of this blasted blogging app, but no luck. I am a little bit annoyed to say the least. Oh well. Technology. Whatcha gonna do? I will say that I have cut out more snowflakes than I thought humanly possible in an afternoon. I know those flakes will be turned into some sort of flying projectiles before the week is over. Oh well. As of right now, I am trying to forget about VBS for just a little bit and instead focus on the World Cup game on the television and the thunder booming outside.

I wish I could say that we gave the hub a great Father's Day today. It wasn't horrible, but it could've been better. He got breakfast in bed and some nice cards and gifts from the kids. The grill he wanted, and we wanted to get him, was not instantly available, so he will get that later. Since VBS is tomorrow, I had to stay late at church to get things set in my area. Hopefully we can have a bit of an addendum to his day at a later time.

Have a great night, friends. I have to deal with these crazies tomorrow.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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