The kids seemed to enjoy them except for one who told us we had "failed at snack" because the pretzels were stale. Oh well. Whatcha gonna do? Their God sightings were again exceptional and had me clearing things out of my eyes quite often. Such wisdom so young. A child really shall lead us.
After VBS and helping an excited group of 5th graders make baked spaghetti, we had about two hours home before I took my kids to see "Inside Out" at the theatre. Now all of your three faithful readers should know by now that I am a softy for sappy/sweet movies. I cry every year at the heartwarming holiday commercials. This movie was no exception. I cried at the little short that came on before it. I cried off and on during the movie. It spoke about emotions and how they all worked together in a person's head...and memories and where they go...and all the "islands" that make up one person. Having a teenager now, parts of the movie touched me in a way I can't fully explain. As one person described it, it was "funny and deep" all at the same time. I highly recommend it.
Now I must collapse. I am completely spent. Completely. Night all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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