So while I was sititng in our opthalmologist's office with the boy this morning, I couldn't stop thinking about a recipe I had pinned on Pinterest. Yes, I indulge in the obsession of Pinterest, but my interest ebbs and flows like my interest in CrossFit or mostly dormant with occasionalinspired searches that send me on wild goose chases that take me to some strange places inhabited by some dark pinner people. Anyway, I felt the need to bake these strange cookies I pinned and was struck with it in the middle of the boy's 12th reading of the eye chart. Unfortunate timing, because we had some other business out in the western part of the county, but we got home soon enough after an inspired trip to the grocery store. The kids and I sat down for a nice lunch and I had a much cherished cuddle for a bit with my G until she became too squirmy and I felt the call of the kitchen. Oh, Jenny of little reading comprehension, I should have believed what the recipe said and what it was called. Never one who has been good with math or spatial relations, I got out the trusty Kitchenaid to start creaming ingredients together. I quickly realized that when the recipe is for "Dishpan Cookies" that you really do need a dishpan. As space quickly became an issue, I sent G down in the basement for my big pan that I mix my Thanksgiving dressing in every year. Me: "Hurry! The flour is not mixing but gradually moving up the side of the bowl...we are at mixcon 5!" G: "Um, Mom, what? I mean, what are you saying? Do you just want a bowl?" Sigh. Me: "Yes. I just don't want want to start and stop the mixer. The flour is high enough that if I turn it off and start it again, we will all be floured and ready to be fried." G: "Sorry, but you could have just told me to get a bowl...not bakecon and all that." Me: " was 'mixcon' but whatever...thanks." Insert any number of deserved eye rolls here. I'll own them all. Anyhoo, the cookies turned out huge and chewy and tasty and very odd in texture. Corn flakes don't bake up quite how you think they might. Yes, I said cornflakes. And oatmeal. And lots of other good and bad for you stuff. The neighbors will be getting some doorstep treats tomorrow.
My oldest comes home tomorrow from her NC mission trip. It will be wonderful to have all of our heartbeats in the house again. They fight and bicker and pick at each other, but they love each other. And that is sweeter than any cookie I could ever bake.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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