Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Profiling at the dog park

After torturing the children on their summer break with a trip to get an oil change, I took them on a promised trip to the dog park to wear Copper out. SInce we are not members of a pool and live in an old neighborhood without one, we have to get wet by other means...those means being sweating profusely in an unshaded dog park. There were several cars in the parking lot, so the potential for playmates was high. Once we got through the gates to enter the actual park, a stout, solid dog with a creepy growl and a very sharp and menacing collar came to express his opinion. Needless to say, I changed direction and took her to the empty small dog side to avoid a midday mauling. I'll admit, I saw the breed and the overkill collar and made a decision. Guilty of dog profiling. It paid off. We made the right choice.

After about a 70% dehydration set in, we dropped the dog off at home and ran to the bullseye store to buy a Slip and Slide. No pool means desperation on a mom's part. Nothing says fun like careening down a wet piece of plastic while the dog snaps at the little sprinklers popping up, occasionally catching a toe here and there. What I failed to realize, even after seeing that the slide was 16 feet long, was that my oldest is about 5'2" and that doesn't leave a whole lot of length to get up much speed. I told you, I'm not good at math...especially when delirious from dehydration and overexcited children. Luckily the size problem did not really bother them or the dog. She even got on the actual slide a few times. I think this was purely accidental as evidenced by the look of terror in her hazel eyes. Oh well. They were all more than adequately worn out by the time dinner hit. Worth every penny.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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