Short post tonight. I have a bit of a tummy ache. It might be due in part to the fact that our house feels like 5,000 degrees. I cannot get cooled off. This has seemed to be the way of the day. I got in the car today at one of my stops to find the awful clicking sound that comes with a bad battery or alternator. As I discovered this, thunder and rain started. My friend went to locate jumper cables and we googled jumping a battery. I can do most everything else basic to emergency car repair, but I totally blanked on my father's lesson about jumper cables. The car got started and I went on my way. It seems a bit coincidental that I had an oil change yesterday and rebuffed their advances to give me a new battery. I won't accuse anybody of foul battery play, but it is one of those things that make you go "Hmmm." The hub took care of things and I transported the athletes where they needed to go. I will be very interested tomorrow to see if my windows go up faster now that we have a new battery. We may have a whole new life to this car.
Time for bed and some Tums. Let's hope for a very boring sleep tonight. Tummy calm down.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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