Monday, May 26, 2014

Dirt and dust all over the place

On this Memorial Day while we should have been honoring those who lost their lives in service to our country, we were instead torturing our children at Home Depot shopping for gardening and remodeling supplies. I was thinking about the many people in my life who have served our country and fought to keep us free and safe. As I planted the new veggies and herbs in the garden, I kept humming the different theme songs of the different branches of the military. I had Billy Joel playing on the speakers, but "Wild Blue Yonder" kept going through my head. The hub has spent most of the day knocking a wall down and reframing parts of the walls in the bathroom. He also clonked his head on a piece of wood and took a chunk out of his head. After that, we took a break and went to the festival in our local park. The kids got to jump with little bungee things and cooled off with homemade ice cream.

I am grateful to my great aunt and grandfather and uncles and cousins and friends who have all served this country and allowed me the freedom and luxury to have a home and life and peace of mind. They can never be repaid for their service. I just hope to honor them as best I can.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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