Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day to all!

Because I get up so early on Sundays and am usually long gone before the rest of the family is up, the family gave me a traditional breakfast in bed on Saturday. I woke up to the smell of bacon, uh yum! They brought me a lovely breakfast, sweet gifts and precious cards. They were so excited about their efforts...and they were so appreciated. Every year I feel I don't deserve such extravangance. I am a better person because they are in my life. I just hope to be the person they think I am someday.

Last week we had a friend, Danny, come and speak to our church about showing Christ to those in the world who need him the most. He told us many stories, but one in particular stood out. They were preparing for their annual missions weekend at church and it was Friday...the day of the event. The youth were planning a potato drop for the youth to do the next day. A potato drop, done through the Society of Saint Andrew, takes the potatoes that are left after the first picking(the ones that would be plowed back under) and has them dropped at a location to be bagged and delivered to organizations to help the needy. The forecast called for rain and, due to the materials needed for the drop, a covering needed to be constructed. He and another person set out to put up a 20x40 tent under which the paper bags and potatoes and whatnot could be dropped. A man walked into the church parking lot, disheveled, beaten up and dirty. He stated he had a court date later on that afternoon and needed to have a shower and wash his hair to make a good impression. He had been in a fight and wanted to clean up before going to court. In his flurry of activity and busy-ness, Danny told the man that the showers for the church were located in the child center and according to TN Code, no strangers could be in the facility while the children were in school. Later he felt bad about his words, his quick chance to dismiss and move on, but at the time the statement bought him more time to get his chores done for the busy weekend ahead. After constructing the tent, he went into the church and asked the office staff where his work partner had gone. "We saw her walk down that way with some gentleman..." He walked down, interested to see where they had gone. As he walked, he found the bathroom door propped open and his partner washing the man's hair and cleaning him up. Showing Christ to those in need, letting no one feel less than because of their appearance or circumstance. I cried when I heard this story...wondering whether I would have been as willing to take care of someone in such circumstances and ashamed of myself for even having to think about my response. The partner, my mother, didn't think twice. She did what she knew was right. I had never heard that story before. That is what Mother's Day means to me. Being given the privilege and honor to show my children how to be just plain old decent, compassionate people. My mom is my hero and I hope to grow up to be like her someday.

Happy Mother's Day to all. Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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