I love having this time off, don't get me wrong, but when we have time off and people are sick and unable to go anywhere with friends, yeah that's a problem. We have been stuck inside due to foul sinuses and frigid weather. Apple TV has given us some fun watching Emergency! and McGyver and Twilight Zone reruns, but that can only go so far. Playing with toys and reading books can only go so far. The kids have had to resort to cleaning and helping with construction projects in the backyard. G went to her class today and the boy got to go to the pediatrician today. They forgot about us in the room, which is always a joy, but he did get some medicine...and a Dum Dum. They got to clean up after the dog this evening when she, out of nowhere, decided to drop a pile in the middle of the breakfast room. Gagging occurred, I do believe, but they wanted a new pet and steaming heaps come with the sweet, skunky smell of puppy breath. She is an awfully fun little pup, when she's not mouthing on your hand or sneaking out of her confines. But heck, she's been with us since Monday and she needs a break. She is a nice warmer on these cold days:

I'm going to go watch Good Burger with the kids until the hub gets back from Lowes. He's getting supplies to protect our oddly and stupidly placed water spigot that is located in the middle of the front yard. Since the cold is only getting colder, he is going to bundle it up a little bit more so it won't explode in the middle of the night and cause a neighborhood incident...but that might break the monotony. Night all....
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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