So I got a new desk in my office. Well, it is new to me. I knew that I was definitely decorating in the era of "Early American Garage Sale" when my child compared my desk to one in the office at Station 51 on "Emergency!". I get it. John and Roy tried to fix the station's broken television on a desk quite like mine. So when moving of furniture went from one room to the other and chairs went from one place to another and a desk needed to have a new home, our senior pastor was walking by my office and saw the monstrous eyesore in my office. A win-win for both parties...they got a desk out of a place that needed emptying and I got a new to me desk that looks like it was manufactured in the 2000's. I had a whole three people come by, look in as I was rearranging the desktop and say, "Wow. Your office almost looks legit." I took it as a compliment...I think. Seeing as how I have never had an office of my own ever, I'll take whatever I can get. In celebration, I may hang up a new piece of artwork when I get it:

This is G's masterpiece of "Medusa Catching Snowflakes on her Tongue". Okay, maybe that would be best placed in our playroom. Medusa in a church office might raise some questions. She's still pretty cool with her "EVIL" shirt and all.
She'll be taking office art requests. Just call me.
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That picture is Awesome!! Looks like something from a store-bought kid's picture book.