Yipes! When we lived in Missouri, we had some pretty rough temperatures, but that was par for the course living there. We have winter here, milder than they used to be, but they are Tennessee winters. So it was interesting to see the "2" on the screen this morning. I will say that the new puppy does not tarry when going outside to use the bathroom. This gesture is appreciated by all.
Today was the day I was determined to break out of the ranch for a little bit and rediscover life outside of the house. I had no idea that it would take so long to get the car defrosted. First I had to get the doors open. After ten minutes, I got one open and the car started. I then had to call in the big guns. G bundled up, got in the car and crawled over seats into the back. As she pushed with her feet, I pulled the door until it finally opened. Repeat process on the others. I know the neighbors thought we were crazy. Okay, crazier than usual. Between scraping for thirty minutes, 6 degree temps and inhaling carbon monoxide for the same amount of time, I was hacking like a carton a day smoker. Classy. Oh well. It is cleared off and we got out for a bit. Froze our rumps off, but broke the cabin fever cycle.
Tomorrow is another frigid day. For now, I willl hunker down under the covers and conk out for a peaceful night's sleep. Fingers crossed.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Saw 0 on my back porch. Lived in NY for almost 3 yrs. and never it got below the teens.