No school again today. Our road and driveway are both like ski slopes, making travel less than palatable with three children who tend to have pretty dramatic reactions when cars start sliding. I wasn't sure I had the stores of temper to go through a drive today, but we needed to get free of the house. If Mike Rowe got money every time we viewed an episode of Dirty Jobs on Netflix, he would have enough for a really nice meal at a fancy steakhouse. When the oldest told me that we had no more food for the dog, well, my avoidance plan changed. We slid out of the driveway and down our street. I must admit, as a rule follower, I did a rolling stop. Well, a sliding stop really. We got there and back without too much drama or screaming. I used my jedi "blocking out all human sounds" tricks to drive without the fear of running off the road in reaction to a scream.
We are out of school again tomorrow. I get it. The backroads are a disaster and I would be a wreck if my kids rode the bus. But the kids are going to kill each other if I don't find a large warm, dry place for them to run around and burn off some major energy. Or maybe I need that. That sounds better. The dog and I will go. But for now, I will follow her lead:

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