Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Yoplait me some Stevie

Sitting here watching "Holmes on Homes"(who I LOVE) and just realized I forgot to eat dinner tonight. Not that Mike Holmes has anything to do with meals. Just the way I'm tracking tonight. I did, however, go to the store and purchase 24 individual Yoplait Lite containers(flavors in multiples of three). I guess for my crazy coupon kid I was adding to the fridge stockpile. I find that I now go through the store and do the exact thing I have grumped at my children for on multiple occasions. I took coupons from the little electronic things on the shelves to take to S. I may have gotten more than one for Starbucks K-Cups...just may have. I don't know whether to be proud or concerned, but I know that the coupons will be received with great joy and excitement from my child. Isn't she supposed to be reading Tiger Beat, using Lip Smackers lip gloss and writing notes with "LYLAS" to her friends? Not that I'm complaining, good grief.

It has been a downer day at the ranch. The hub is experiencing severe back trouble again and faces a long road of non-surgical attempts to give him relief. It is very disheartening to travel down a familiar yet rocky road of raised hopes and devastating disappointments. Luckily we had no extracurriculars for the evening, so we could all be together as a family and take care of daddy together. I dried G's hair for her while S talked to us. We all talked about our days and sang Stevie Wonder's "Sir Duke" about a million times. Then we all laid on the bed and read "Superfudge" together. The kids belly laughed and it was a beautiful sound. The hub got tickled reading the Fudge lines. Who cares if they've read it before...sometimes we need to go back to the classics.

Quality family time. Cures all ills.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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