Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I am not a creep...

Wild and wacky Wednesdays are back for a while and tonight did not disappoint. As usual, the boy loses a little bit of his mind when we walk in the church and I lose a whole lot of mine. The last straw came when he licked a big finger full of ketchup and mustard, got it all over his mouth and then wiped his face on his front of the pastor. Nice. We made it through. I saw some rather frazzled choir directors, but everyone came out alive.

The hub and I went to an appointment today to learn some things and give some information in order to give the best opportunities to our children. The people had just moved into their office suite, which was pretty nicely decorated with a hint of strange smell. Maybe eau du cigarette smokers, but ones who only smoke outside but have it on their clothes when they walk back in. Meh. Our meeting went well and we feel positive. All of this will be a post for another time. But as we left the office and re-entered the lobby, we noticed a rather off putting painting, especially for a building holding offices dealing with families and children. It seemed a bit, um, well you decide:

Sorry. I didn't get it. The hub didn't get it. But you can get it, apparently, for only $1500.00. I think I'll pass. I'll get you the number if you're interested.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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