In our fair state, this Friday through Sunday is tax-free weekend...a time when everyone and their brother swarms to their local mall or Best Buy to buy items supposedly used to go back to school: clothes, shoes, school supplies, mondo calculators and 72 inch televisions. With the in-laws in town on a rather activity-free weekend, we were searching for things to do with them. The zoo was too much walking for them and nothing else sounded appealing, so we went shopping. To the mall. On tax free weekend. With 5,000 of our best friends. While we were successful, it came at the cost of our sanity I think. The kids dealt with it in their own way...a dollar a pop: massage chairs. I was on edge of holding it together until it was agreed that we would go to Build A Bear. That's when the scales were tipped and it took everything not to be reduced to a drooling blob of human scrunched in the fetal position near the stuffing machine. The kids are now set for school's start with shoes and clothes. But we still haven't bought school supplies. That comes finish off the rest of my sanity. Tax-free Xanax? Yes, please!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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