Friday, August 16, 2013

My stupid red headed temper...

Please forgive me, three readers, for my rant of last night. I want my children to learn to fight their own battles and work issues by using their own noggins. That being said, I have no room for nor tolerance for mean girls. I will never find that crap acceptable.

Moving on, I am currently having a very relaxing manicure given to me by my sweet 9 year old. Second only to having someone mess with my hair, having my hand massaged will turn me to a pool of warm, sleepy goo in about 3 minutes. It makes watching Disney Channel on a Friday night almost tolerable. My oldest is preparing herself for her first youth lock in. We made her get all her homework done tonight since I know darn well she will be worthless tomorrow. Laser tag until 1am and then general shenanigans until the 7am pick up time. Her return home will involve a bath and bed and the rest of the family will get out of her way. She is currently picking out the best outfit to wear for laser tag...right now she resembles a blonde haired goth girl. All black. The boy is in the Friday night stupor at the end of a long school week. Superheroes meet Phineas and Ferb. Utopia for sure.

I am trying my best to saty awake until the hub deposits her at the drop off point. Tomorrow we start to remove bathroom tile in earnest. S may not get much sleep. Hopefully the sounds of Dremels and Sawzalls lull her to sleep. Here's hoping....

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure who it was in my church, maybe my 3rd grade SS teacher Mrs. Bucky Snyder, told me mean people are mean because they hurt so much inside they feel making others hurt will ease their pain. But it doesn't, so they keep trying. This person told me to tell my bullies, "I'm sorry you hurt so much it makes you mean. I'll pray for you."
    This worked on 1 bully, but not on my worst one. I think he was just born mean, some people are.
    Praying for your family.
