Gots to love some cukes...and tomatoes...and green peppers...and hot peppers...and okra. Mmmmmmm. I stood in the backyard and looked at a sight that brings me comfort every time I see it:

Back of the house, but it is home. We couldn't stay out all that long seeing as how the devil came up to visit and exhaled one hellish day. The metal bowl I was holding with all of the garden's treasures was quickly turning into something akin to what the blackmith beats to death on the anvil. Red hot and painful. The boy is like a lizard doesn't really care about the heat, but the rest of us were dying. So we lured him in with the promise of games from 1979:

We're vintage up in the K-Port. That's how we roll. "Well you can run yourself ragged...well you can run run run run run!". After playing and some time in the sprinkler, it was time to take our leave and go home by way of the Bass Pro Shops. Shhhh....the hub's big 4-0 is coming up on Tuesday, so we had to do some shopping. Whilst in the megashop, I got a call from the oldest. She sounded tired and discouraged. Apparently, after asking numerous over age 50 sales clerks to interpret the dress code for her trip and give their blessings on what they felt was appropriate, she was told to change her shorts this morning due to them being inappropriate. For the strict rule follower, this was humiliation that could only be topped by the fact that she has only one more pair of shorts that are unlike the frowned upon pair. So she will have to wear the same shorts three days in a row. I don't know who told her to change...probably one of the organization's people. Kind of hard for me to fix that one from here. Luckily one of the mom chaperones said she would pick an acceptable outfit out for her tomorrow. Not embarrassing at all. Hard to have a 5 year old's waist with an 11 year old's legs. There are no stores for that. Anyhoo, I'll get over it. The boy and I finished our work at the Pro Shop and got home safely. We took a trip out to our garden to see what had ripened up. We have enough to make a small batch of salsa and a small sampling of beans:

The boy is safely tucked into bed, the hub is probably watching something involving a ball or a peloton. I'll stick to Iron Man and Candy Crush level 65...which I have been battling for almost a month. Nice.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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