Monday, July 8, 2013

Dinner games to the rescue

"Monday, Monday...". Still a very somber mood at this house. S had her last meeting with her homebound teacher today. It was bittersweet, quite honestly. She hasn't had much of a summer with classes, but she has enjoyed learning from her teacher much more than she anticipated. He's a straight up nice guy and we wish him the best. After he took his leave, we went out to run several errands that were apparently very close to the rack or bamboo chutes under the nails for my three. Middle school soccer practice is beginning and, darndest thing, S outgrew her cleats...and shin guards...and she grew in to a new headgear. Since the middle school queen of concussions is starting up practice again, she gets a "Full 90" to protect her noggin. Most people say the concussion cut off is 4. Um, mine has had two and better not have any more. Sure, she may get some taunts from her teammates or opponents. Oh well. It is better than drinking her meals out of a straw for the rest of her life while giving everybody a blank stare. Not gonna happen on my watch. G got early birthday presents of a new goalie jersey and goalie gloves. Mom needs to get a Xanax drip for her gift....anyone? Anyone?

Tonight I went to visit the Ballingers, Baby Drew's parents. They were doing as well as could be expected. I tried my best not to cry like some fool when they were holding it together. They remind me so much of some other friends of mine who experienced a very similar and devastating loss. Both such strong pictures of faith. If I could just have a grain of what they all have.... After returning home, we ate dinner and once again played a dinner game. "Pass the Pepper" was modified a bit, but asked the person holding the pepper to recount their strangest/weirdest experience. Grocery store stories of people getting drunk and removing their prothetic legs at parties, little old men on street corners with ventriloquist dummies lip synching to screaming evangelists, naked children post diaper blowout getting sprayed off at gas stations while their parents pumped gas and angry bridesmaids getting pulled out of the wedding car by their ankles while screaming obscenities were just a few stories that were shared. We laughed until we were choking. Probably not the best game to play while eating, but it brought the spirits back up in the house. Laughter is definitely good for the soul....

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