Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Getting mocked while slushing

Soggy day number, uh, oh I'm losing count. After getting class over, I took the budding extreme couponers to Kroger and shopped for a few items. Imagine their delight when we saved $6.55 on our order from coupons they clipped. It was quite amusing. After unloading the groceries, the kids ate lunch(no coupons for those items). I caved and ventured out in the pouring rain to the theatre to watch Despicable Me 2. Apparently every other mother in Knox County had the same exact idea. We managed to get to tickets and popcorn and even seats together. As with the first one, it was very amusing and the kids loved it. We dropped by to see my sweet sister from another mister and drop some church materials off to her. She's taking one for the team and helping teach kids using her beautiful voice. I owe her!

I dropped by to see my friend who is convalescing after a recent major surgery. She needed the healing power of a cherry limeade slush. Never underestimate the power of a Sonic Route 44. We discussed my afternoon at the movies and experiences at the movies in the past. Conversation drifted to sneaking outside food into the movies. She said she had taken candy and a big sweet tea in her purse to the movies and even said a parent had taken a leftover piece of pizza from the food court to the movies...and was asked to leave the theatre to finish it. I was the target of great mockery when it was disocvered that my mom used to bring ziploc bags of cut up celery sticks and carrots in her purse. I'm afraid this little nugget of info will follow me for a long time. Who knew contraband movie relish was so scandalous? Not this girl. I left there with a handful of coupons that will thrill my new thrifty children. Whatever it takes to make the kids happy...within reason.

I am now going to sleep so I can be ready cook and to protect sweet G from the horrors of fireworks. Nothing says celebrate the birth of our nation like ear protection and bendryl whilst buried in her bed. Nice.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Mine also had a baggie with peanut butter. It was the only way I would eat celery. Aahh, those were the days. Didn't taste theatre popcorn until I was a teenager and had my own money.
