These rainy summer days are about to make me check into a mental health facility. When you are trying to be reasonable with your money, the best solution is to sit home and read, play a game or watch the tube. Luckily before the rain came, my sweet friend A invited us to come swimming in the family pool. After having to suffer the apparent indignity of being in childcare(where they had fun) while I was in a meeting, the invitation was music to their ears. The boy had an open invitation to do cannonballs, an invitation I was happy to revoke if necessary. S had one of her oldest and dearest friends to play with and G had a little person to play with and mother AND they got to have funfetti cookie and coke. I mean, come on, dream afternoon. They also got to swim in the mddle of a downpour. So, naturally, their return to our house was met with a definite feeling of malaise, which is always a thrill as a mother. The rain continued to fall and the games and reading grew boring. I even dropped off for a bit of time, intensely checking my eyelids for holes. When I awoke, I found the trio hungry for popcorn and riveted to an "Extreme Couponing" marathon. While I was getting the popper from the basement, the little elves got to work. They found my binder, my scissors and other implements and did this:

They have now decided to become children who are extreme couponers. They cut out 264 coupons and were starting to file them. They have made plans to get on coupon websites and buy extra Sunday papers. When the hub suggested a trip to Froyoz for "Triple Punch Tuesday", they happily reported they had a coupon for that. More power to them. I am happy to help them out. ALthough I know they want to save money, I think their ultimate goal is to be featured on the show. Sadly, I think they will have to build a fairly substantial stockpile worth at least $16,000 to even be considered in the running. And I can only use so many cake mixes and boxes of Rice A Roni.
I'll keep everyone abreast of their progress. This should be interesting...
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