Today, as I mentally cracked on the children after walking on Legos with bare feet, I realized that there are many things to be learned from the time spent with one's family on holiday hiatus. Many of these things are simply relearned, while others are totally new and added to my list of knowledge. I thought about these a lot as we were cleaning the house and preventing future Lego related injuries.
1. While Lego Indiana Jones sounds like an experiment in fun, fun, fun, it is in fact a vomit inducing activity for the likes of me. The ultimate buzzkill? Your mom having to lay down on the floor with a trashcan and a cool washcloth after fighting the Nazis for a mere 10 minutes.
2. Crumbs are invisible to children. Whole wheat toast, laying on top of a white paper towel on top of a cream colored countertop...apparently eaten by the Tasmanian Devil. Virtually invisible to the under 12 crowd. This is maddening.
3. Old school cartoons still rule. I don't care what Disney or Nickelodeon can do with special effects and computer animation. Give me Jonny Quest, The Superfriends and The Bugs Bunny Roadrunner Show on Netflix, and I'll show you children mesmerized by the excellence that they are viewing. "Overture, curtains, lights. This is it....".
4. My children will risk life and limb for a piece of candy. Any candy received at our house is checked and placed in a plastic container on the top shelf of our makeshift pantry(a shelving unit until the remodel is done). I have walked in on acrobatic acts that would make the Flying Wallendas shake with fear...and all for a Hershey kiss. Yuck. At least go for something good like a Reese Cup or something. And as much as they go through to obtain the candy, they go through as much or more to hide the evidence. Why not just throw it in the trash instead of stuffing it inside a kleenex, which is stuffed inside a sock, which is stuffed down in the couch cushions.
7. Trying a new bread pudding recipe in the crock pot is exciting. Especially when it smells so good and actually tastes better than you thought. But what stinks is transferring it from the crock pot "crock" to the "transportable to the Youth Confirmation Parents Breakfast" casserole dish and the end result looks like the aftermath of what my stomach feels like after playing Lego Indiana Jones. Yeah. They're getting mini muffins now...thanks to the hub and Kroger.
6. As much as my children want to be grown up and be trusted with big kids privileges, they knock each other over to be held and snuggled. It is my greatest joy to hold a lapfull of kid and feel all the stress and tension drain out of their body. I know we lock horns now and then, but knowing that as parents we can still provide protection and comfort to them even when they think they are too big...Heaven on Earth.
School starts Tuesday and I dread it. Not because of getting up early, well that's part of it, but because I genuinely enjoy my children. I love the closeness, the quality, the absolutely nothing on the schedule schedule. Well, it'll just make the weekends that much sweeter. But only if I stay away from the xbox.
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Ooooh, is it a secret family recipe? Once you smell bread pudding, who cares how it looks? Wait, I get it, you got to eat it!