Monday, January 14, 2013

Insomniacs unite!!!

I need some sleep. Okay, I need some sleep when it is the appropriate time for ME to be sleeping. I understand that people are sleeping at all hours of the day based on their shift work and geographical location, so don't get picky on me. I cannot sleep normally during the night. When I go to bed, I cannot, unlike my husband, put pillow to head and fall immediately to sleep. That is my dream. What I can do is lay in bed for 30 minutes and then fall asleep hard for about 20 minutes. I then wake up, thrash like I'm having some sort of fit and disrupt the sheet to person ratio in the bed, throwing off my entire sleeping universe. I then walk through the say like a zombie, but not the Walking Dead kind, maybe more like the lumbering mummy on the opening credits of Jonny Quest. Then I fall into a coma-like slumber whilst waiting in the pickup line at school. Luckily I have learned to set my phone alarm before any unfortunate and embarrassing pickup line incidents have transpired. You don't want to anger the people behind you in line. Not good, not good. So today I took a new step in the sleep issue. I went to the organic co-op hipster hippy grocery store to try and mind yet another herbal remedy. Melatonin has lost its effectiveness with me, so i need something different. I found the supplement aisle and started sorting through bottles. There were some L-Tryptophan capsules, but I couldn't bring myself to buy those. I don't know why. I got some tea that is full of all kinds of herbs and probably ground up caterpillars from the rain forest....wait, that wouldn't be eco friendly. Heck, I don't know if it will work, but I am desperate. The only problem with sleepy tea is that I always fear I will drink it, sleep too well and wet the bed because I drank tea. See, I get irrational when I'm tired.

I'll let you know how it goes. It'll either be sleep or a Bob Newhart Show marathon. I love me some Bob, but let's hope for some zzzz's.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. What was "the event"? I never did read about it. Just curious.
