How was your day today? Good I hope. Today was the dreaded first day back to reality after Christmas break. The childen rose with a peppiness that was almost disturbing for my standards...and we all know my standards are a little bit on the wonky side. Since I am still on the losing side of a long battle with insomnia, the kids were able to recover much more quickly from the 6am wake up shock than their grumpy mother. I'm usually the one to emulate my mother's wake up call from *harummph cough cough harrumph* years ago when she would sing, "Good morning to you! Good morning to you! We're all in our places with sunshiney faces. So this is the way to start a new day!". We would groan and moan and get up and be at school at least 30 minutes earlier than everyone else. Now all you people know where I get it from. I sing it, not out of my own sickeningly sweet peppiness, but in that "whine at me and this is what will wake you up" kind of attitude. I'm not like that often. Just usually after especially difficult sleep nights. They all dressed in newly acquired at Christmas clothes and went downstairs with the quiet simplicity of a stampede from an African wildlife documentary. Who knew that three people under the age of 12 could make such a ruckus? Honestly I can never remember being that excited to go to school, so that must speak volumes about me. We don't have sugared cereals that often, so I thought the enthusiasm could have stemmed from the box of swirly Trix they have been nursing for a bit. The fact is that they were excited to get back to their friends and teachers. Refreshing. I dropped them off in a haze that only comes from 7:30am and a lack of coffee and headed to work. I'll fast forward through my day because everyone had one of those and nobody cares to read about that. After a shorter than usual wait in the pickup line, I got the brood home and began the usual Tuesday routine. Homework, paperwork, a little work crisis, dinner and dance. While at dance, I casually tweeted a question to one of my culinary heroes, Alton Brown. He has commented on one of my tweets before, but today was different. Today:

Yes, I know I am a geek for getting so excited about that, but he's been one of my favorites for a long time. My go to guy for culinary advice. So that pepped up a stressful afternoon. Naturally, I took about 50 different pictures of 50 different angles of the notification of the tweet excitement. We returned home from dance and I was eager to share my little brush with celebrity but there were baths to be taken, clothes to pick out and quiz answers to learn. Sweet G offered to say the prayer and insisted we hold hands. The boy, feeling extra full of himself, and allergies, had sneezed and was trying to scratch or wipe his nose during the prayer opening. G said, "Dear Heavenly Father, please don't wipe your nose on my pants." At this point we had to regroup and start again...once the guffaws stopped. Amen.
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