Saturday, November 17, 2012

Party in a box, I am.

It is exactly 8:43 by my iPad and I am sitting in bed, with my Spider-Man tshirt pj's on, listening to "Ghostbusters". Please don't be jealous. Not all of us can handle a lifestyle of this kind of excitement. I mean, "The light is green...the trap is clean," is riveting evening entertainment. All jokes aside, readers of this jumbled bunch of writings know I have mad love for the Ghostbusters and had a horrible crush on Peter Venkman in middle school.

Today brought with it new experiences, visitors who came at just the right time and Benadryl. G and the boy had their first experiences playing indoor soccer games today. The boy's group had fun, but seemed to be on the ground more than upright. Even after "Number 11", as I will call him, kept body slamming and tripping people, the boy patted him and told him "Good game" as we were leaving. His parents were impressed and I puffed a little, I must say. G learned during her experience, that with privilege does not always come the feeling of responsible and considerate behavior. I can only hope that the skills she learns will balance out the snobbery she has encountered. Disappointing really.

The hub had several visitors checking on his well being, and wanting to see his incision. We also had a wonderful meal, as we have every day day since he's been home. Blessed is inadequate to describe how we feel with all the people who have brought us wonderful meals, offered their time and trasportation skills and their advice. It is hard to accept help from others sometimes, but these are the times that humble us and let us know it is okay.

Well the clock, and the promise of a very busy work day tomorrow, are beckoning me to put head to pillow. S has been Benadryl-ed(per doc's orders) and given a breathing treatment. Hopefully she will conk out for the duration of the night. Wait a minute...maybe I should take some. That might add a second digit to my sleep hours column since Monday night. Nah...that stuff gives me the "Jimmy legs". I'll just pray the Sandman visits tonight. Sleep tight!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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