Sunday, November 18, 2012

I'm getting sloppy....

I am not complaining. In the grand scheme of things, I have it pretty darn good. My friend's sweet baby is in the hospital for the foreseeable future, my friend's dad had a heart attack and bypass surgery a week ago today, a friend's mother has some very serious cancer and another friend has a brain tumor. I get it. My problems are nothing compared to those. But with a husband who is recovering from back surgery and an 11 year old who has bronchitis and starts throwing up when coughs too hard, I am making it about me. If I don't get some significant sleep soon, I will crack and cry after they pull me off the ledge. These 2:30am wake up calls and 5:00 fall back to sleep after you've calmed down times are wearing on me.

A funny story for the close of the evening. The boy came home from church today talking about how hot he was. "You know when a baby comes out of his mommy's tummy, they are kind of hot and slimy? I'm hotter and slimier than a baby fresh out of his mommy's tummy!". Where does he come up with this stuff?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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