Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election night...pass out the barf bags and nerve meds

As on every Tuesday, I find myself sitting at dance practice for S. It is always entertaining and interesting to watch their progress from week to week. However, my heart is at home half watching the election and half reading the Twitter comments. And, for those of you who may get snarky and ask, yes I voted...for Pedro. I feel there are so few secrets kept in life anymore, my political views are mine and known only to my spouse. It is no secret that of all the things to find interesting, I do not have but about a half ounce of interest in politics. Many may say that is unpatriotic or irresponsible. Let's be clear there is a difference between lack of interest and lack of information. I know what I know...but debates at coffee shops and on social networking sites do nothing for me.

On other fronts, I began the strange and stressful task of accident proofing the house and readying it for the hub's return after his surgery on Monday. Things that he can negotiate normally will not be allowed. Slip on shoes will need to be purchased since he won't be tying his shoes for a while. Grabber handles have been purchased in case he drops a remote or a phone or a napkin and no one is immediately available to fetch it for him. This period of time is going to be a challenge for us all. For me, I will have to remember that he may look like my sweet husband, but he has had a major surgery and will take a long time to heal. It will be even more difficult for him. Not only will he have pain, but he will have to allow others to do things for him that he normally has always done for himself. That's hard for anybody. I just pray for level heads for the both of us.

Well. 153-123 right now. I will do my best, but I feel I will conk out before a winner is decided. This may be an all-nighter. I am sorry to say that I will probably be drooling and slack jawed by the time an announcement is made. Oh well. God Bless America!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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