Saturday, November 24, 2012


I think the closeness that comes with illness and surgical patients has finally started to wear on all of us in Plagued Abbey over here. When the hub happily stands outside in 32 degree weather to chat with the cable guy and the kids eagerly volunteer to go soap and Christmas light shopping, you have to be suspicious that the end is near. These poor children have coughed quite a bit today, the boy being the worst with his cough induced vomiting. Sigh. Yes again. They have been peppier with periods of pure spunk, followed by periods of great lethargy. They even were released long enough to help pick out a Christmas tree. We normally don't tree up this early, but I had built in help and took advantage. I forgot to take pictures today, but I will tomorrow. It is awfully beautiful. Fat and full and fir-filled deliciousness. Just have to be diligent about watering or we'll have a tall indoor torch for the holidays.

I joke, somewhat, about the strife and tension in the house. It has been a difficult time, a big adjustment period. But we have grown stronger in the appreciation for each others' roles within the family structure. We have worked together and grown in kindness and caring. The kids have been troopers, even during sickness and frustration. I am truly blessed. Truly.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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