I am exhausted, but in a good way. My feet hurt, arms ache, nose full of pollen...but I don't mind. After a nice morning at church, I did something that I do maybe twice a year on a Sunday. I mowed the lawn. Do I judge people for mowing on Sundays? No. I do skulk while doing it, because I am waiting for my parents to come out on pop me in the back of the head. Sundays were reserved for church, a nap, homework and maybe a picnic. No lawn mowing. But, alas, I did it and it looks nice. Saturday just ran out of light before I got to it. After mowing, the paper needed to be read, dishes needed to be done and laundry needed to be folded. My poor husband has had to stop his only non drowsy anti inflammatory for his back, due to the fact that he will be having a procedure next week to help it, so he can only writhe in pain these days. I feel so bad for him, but hopefully Thursday will be the start of relief. Anyway, I feel the pressure to get as much done as possible during the weekend. The kids played outside for six hours this afternoon. What a gorgeous day to be a kid and play outside until dropping from exhaustion! Not sweltering, just perfect. I regret not taking a picture of them as they emerged from playing in the woods, covered with dirt from head to toe. A beautiful sight.
The other exciting thing at our house is our yearly visit from the chickadees. We have what once was a decorative little blue birdhouse. We are in our fourth year of having them stay at our little blue inn to expand their family. The mom and dad sit on a branch and chatter in varying levels of excitement, depending on how close we are to their babies. They dart like little torpedoes, delivering worms and creatures for their babies' meals. The hub got a picture today:

They are so cute. Just another beautiful way to show God's handiwork in nature.
I am so thankful for beautiful days like today that remind us how blessed we are. Now I think I will go collapse.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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