Today was yet another soccer Saturday. The boy's game was first and full of action as usual. He didn't manage to take as many dives this time and managed to score several goals. His game face never ceases to amuse us all. Pure drive, baby, pure drive. S's game was cancelled, so we watched her buddy play his U12 game. The culture of sports parents is a fascinating one to observe. There are quiet parents, watching and tensely hoping for a win. There are yellers. There are the "Roid ragers" who get so pumped up when their child's team scores...high fives and chest bumps all around. Then you have the few who are so intense that the fear of stroking out comes to everyone else's mind. G's team had her game shortly after. They were playing a team who we knew from last year. Hopes were high for a win and we held on for a while. But the odds were not in our favor. G scored a goal, which was exciting, but the other team's fan base distracted us from the fun. S was reffing the game, as she has all of her sister's games. This was the first time she received lip and trouble from team parents. Our team knows not to do that. Both last season and this season we have had youth refs and have been very glad to have them. Having them meant the hub could coach and not ref his own team. By the third quarter, I could tell my mild mannered hubby was honed in on someone and quiet with fury. The girl handled herself just fine...she took it like a champ.
After an afternoon of playing outside, they are sufficiently worn out and relaxing before they hit the hay.

Love those little 'em!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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