Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hit me with your best...Kindergarten shot...

Today the concussed girl went to school to take some TCAPS and the boy got him some shots.  When I was preparing him for preschool this morning, he kept asking if this was the day he would get shots.  After 15 minutes of changing the subject, I finally just said "Yes."  I did not expect quite such a violent reaction, but I knew no grand celebrations were coming either.  "Will it hurt" is always such a tricky question to answer.  My tension breaking answer of late has been, "Well it's not gonna feel like puppy kisses!!!".  Even that crowd pleaser did nothing to change his mood.  The mention of a post-immunization milkshake buoyed his spirits of the few times that I have said an open thank you to Ronald McDonald.  School seemed to take his mind off of the impending doom and pep talks from his good buddy Pastor Daniel made him feel a bit closer to an Avenger going into battle.

He entered the office bravely and seemed to be relieved when our friend and nurse, Karen, came out to get him.  once he walked through the swinging door, the bravado ended and the paranoia began.  He questioned everything.  Why do they need my pee?  Why do shoes make that big of a difference in my height?  Why are you squeezing my arm like that?  He got even more inquisitive when she brought rubber gloves in the room.  What are those for?  What is that straw thing gonna do?  The finger prick was the beginning of the drama, which gave Karen pause to think she may need to bring reinforcements at shot time.  When our beloved pediatrician came in stating, "I don't do anything that hurts," the boy wouldn't look at her.  After doing all her duties, she left telling Finley not to be mad at her.  When Karen returned, the panic set in.  Even with two of us holding him down, he was a force to be reckoned with.

Let me say a few things:
1.  That boy is going to be so-o-o-o-o-oore tomorrow.
2.  The hub made out like a bandit by somehow avoiding the Kindergarten check up three times.
3.  After this hellish week, I am really done with doctors and hospitals and injuries.
4.  When your child is injured, you really do wish it had happened to you instead.
5.  Unlike some injuries, when your coach tells you to walk off a head injury....ignore him.
6.  Also when your child is injured, perspective kicks you in the --- and you have no time for selfishness in others.
7.  I am blessed and humbled by all the love and support during the medical freakishness that has been our life recently.
8.  Ice cream really does make lots of things better.
9.  The "Rushmore" soundtrack makes me happy.
10.  Even though it is a sad song, Cat Stevens can make me dance whenever I hear this:
Have a good one, everybody.

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