Today was a first for me. I can't believe I am saying that, but it is true. I went on my first field trip as a parent. Yes, all you snarky people, I have a fifth grader. My children have always wanted to have their dad go on trips since he doesn't get to do as much at school. With Brian out of town at a funeral, I was on deck to be a chaperone to Safety City. For those not from Knoxville, Safety City is a kid-sized and abbreviated version of our fair city. The second graders go to learn about traffic safety and fire safety, riding in electric cars and on bikes and learning how to escape out of a house on fire. The highlight for me and some of the other parents was a fire safety video starring a smoke alarm voiced by Gilbert Gottfried, a parent played by Police Academy's own mouth sound master Michael Winslow, Little Richard singing an inspirational ditty on how to "Stop Drop and Roll" and a perky pre-coked Lindsay Lohan. We all survived the day, realizing that the facilitators at "The City" are drill seargants and saints all in one. The kids learned a lot. G's favorite part was driving in the city:

I am glad Igot the chance to go, though I am sad that I never got to go on any trips with S. I am thoroughly exhausted and ready for a foot rub. But, thanks to Little Richard, I learned lots about fire safety....and big hair.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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