Thinking we were on a one hour delay this morning, I told the kids we were going to get up at the normal time to get back on our normal schedule. I looked at my clock and realized I had hit the snooze button once(not bad)and jumped out of bed like I had been was only 6:11, but I never snooze it during the week. I walked into the bathroom to splash my face off and wake up. I asked the hub if he had checked to see if the oldest was up. "School is out." Um, what? "No, it's an hour delay today." "No...look's out." And so it was. All the thawing progress from yesterday was wiped out from the snow that the weather guys call for but I didn't believe would come. The oldest was told to go back to bed and I sat and watched the snow fall. It looked very pretty though it was not good snowman/snowball snow. That didn't stop the kids from burying me in it later on in the morning. The forecasts say that we are supposed to get another storm tomorrow afternoon. We'll see...we'll see. I just know that when the call came in that school was out, um, I think there was a big collective palm to forehead from many parents around the county. What can you do? People wanted snow. They got it.

I won't complain...yet.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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