Work day today, but I wasn't really wanting to contend with the slush ice frozen death trap of our road. The hub kindly drove me and the oldest to church to start the process of getting the rooms ready for the little people. I left S in my office to surf Pinterest and went to see what was going on up front. I saw our female pastor and one of our building staff out shoveling snow. Oh dear. I found the shovels and went to work. SLush and ice are very heavy! My brother got called up and arrived dressed to labor as did our neighbor A. Meanwhile in the back hallway of the church(sounds like a Batman line), there had been a leak in the roof and several rooms, including the choir and bell rooms, were soggy. So there was the shovel brigade and the vacuum brigade. The children enjoyed watching my brother knock the snow off of the awnings. It was a strange, soggy morning and I will be unable to lift my arms tomorrow, but it was good to be united with friends to work towards a goal and be able to help.
Now I am watching the Oscar preshow. The hub has fled the premises to be away from this. He hates awards shows. I love the Oscars, but agree with the anger felt in the excess. We have people freezing on the streets in our community and the presenters get a swag bag worth well over $100,000. Something very wrong with that. Oh well. I'll snuggle up under the blankets and watch NPH host and hope that I can make it through the whole show. Bradley Cooper's on....see ya.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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