Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hibernation Day

After sledding all day yesterday, we decided to have a pajama day. The temperatures were such that it really wasn't the best of ideas to be outside too much. The kids feasted on waffles, obliged my need to educate them on classic Disney and watched "Fantasia" and helped put away laundry. We also watched one of my favorite kid movies that the children now love: Snow Day. The dog took advantage of the cold to look extra cute, watch the movie and warm us up:

A snow day...where anything can happen...including the dog on a blanket on your lap. If you haven't watched it, you should. It's a good one.

The hub got home tonight and took us out for a little break from the house to get dinner. It was nice to escape, but daggone it was it cold. I can't begin to say how grateful I am for a warm house. My prayers are with all of the homeless people in our community and the ones with unsound houses that don't hold the heat like they should. So very grateful.

Time to snuggle down in bed and get warm. Night all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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