We do weird things to pass the time here at the ranch. Since S has been sick and on all kinds of weird inhalers and snorty sprays, she has had nervous hyper times and painful times where she needs to pass the time somehow...mostly during breathing treatments. Today has been a full day: conference at church, a make up soccer game, Bowling for Kids' Sake, transporting kids to birthday parties, cleaning house and taking care of the sick and crippled. So tonight, whilst I was trying to wash the funk of the day out of my hair, S decided she needed a primer on the 1985 classic "We Are the World". She wanted to know who all the people were. She said, "I'll wait until you get finished washing your hair." "No need. Just hold the ipad close and I can tell you." I think she thought I was being a bit boastful and waited for me to trip up. HA! Denied pre-teen in my house. I got every one and was even three artists ahead of the song all while rinsing Aussie Volume out of my scrubby head. You see, naive daughter of mine, I had a copy of this on my turntable:

...and I wore that sucker out. Wore it out. If you get me on a good day when I am not too terribly self conscious, I might even sing it for you...doing impressions of the artists as I sing. Just saying, but I do a mean Huey Lewis. Jenny out. (drops mic and struts out of the room)....(comes back in and picks the mic up so the dog won't chew it up)
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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