As I have shared with my three readers recently, our new dog is crazy. Loveable, but crazy. Our trainer has been great and we are planning to continue with her when we save up for another set of classes. What she can't train out completely is the stubborn crazy that comes with her. So, as much as we hate it, we are looking into training collars. Yes, for those of you who are asking, many of these collars deliver a shock. Some have the option to deliver a static correction, a vibrating correction or a beepy correction. I hate the thought of a shock collar, but there need to be consequences to jumping over the fence and getting a neighbor out of bed. Consequences besides your human carrying you up the hill, cursing bitterly under their breath until they deposit your carcass inside the house. Soooo, we looked online and in the pet store close to our house. Nothing impressive. So then we took a trip to PetSmart, the mecca for dog supplies and apparently the hub for dog meet ups on a Friday night. I was surprised as to how busy it was in there. A puppy class in the back corner, little birds cheeping in the front, two dogs having an unfriendly introduction near the cash registers. I was looking at the signs trying to find the aisle for training collars and saw this:

Really? Poison's "Talk DIrty to Me" Bret Michaels has dipped his bandanna'ed head into the dog toy game? Oh yes he has. Forget collars, friends, he had stuffed electric guitars and rockin' sock monkeys and this:

The rock n roll hand pull toy. Never mind the girl's glasses. That is what 200 tickets from a consolation trip to Mr. Gattis gets you. More on that story later. Regardless, she can pull the look off. Between looking at the kittens, watching a bloodhound with some sort of badge on pee in every aisle and tapping on the hamster's cage glass, the boy had a full evening of fun. What a boring family we are. We had no success finding the right collar there or in the hunting section at Gander Mountain, so we will be ordering a Garmin one online. Until that arrives, Copper will have to be on the leash to go out in the yard and wait to run a little longer. She will still find her way to be disobedient and look cute doing it...darn cute thing.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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