Today was the track meet for all of the schools included in the East section of our fair city/county. There were several schools represented which was nice, because we got to see friends we normally only get to see at soccer or church. Kind of like a family reunion day. G was over the moon excited about the day, popping up out of bed like a she had been shocked awake. After I got her to school, I packed a bag with sunscreen, water and some snacks and headed to the high school for the big event. It was a great venue...lots of room and clean and nice. The first events to be called were the sack race, the 800m race and the tug of war. Well my child, my mini me, has been a devout student of the art of tug of war since she realized that people actually pull on ends of a rope in hopes of pulling each other down. It is her absolute favorite thing at field day, track meets, picnics. So imagine her absolute joy and excitement when they won 1st place in the fourth grade division. First out of at least eight schools. That team was over the moon...just thrilled! I was so excited for her.

While she was in the throes of celebrating and being part of her team, she did grant me 30 seconds to take her picture close up...nice to be able to document this happy occasion at least a little bit:

A fun but exhausting day. It is nice to see that happy smile. Love that kid!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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