With the kids gone for a day or so, the hub and I stayed up late watching shows we knew they wouldn't like. Because of this we went to bed late and conked out fast seeing as how we are lightweighs when it comes to late bedtimes. Poor guy, the hub was so sleepy. He started sawing some major logs...and I was a bad person. I kept poking him and pushing him and kicking him...guilt got the best of me and I got up. The boy's bed was close, so I crawled in there for some sleep and to not pop the husband in the side anymore. I pulled down the sheets, crawled in and basically landed in a mini sandbox. How that child could sleep in that and where it came from I do not know. Regardless, it was less than comfortable and I look forward for a sleep redo tonight. We decided to do as much kitchen remodel stuff while the kids were gone as we could, so we headed to the kitchen store. While the lighting lady was wonderful and plied us with freshly baked cookies from a $10,000 oven, the sink lady was like the drill seargant of kitchen sales. She intimidated me to death and I sure hope she got home from work in time to watch Dancing With the Stars, because that is the only human thing she expressed interest in during our conversation. I think she might be a robot. After this encounter, we decided to head to the Apple Store for more abuse. Suprisingly enough, we were pleasantly surprised. We were met by extremely friendly people who were obviously very bored and craving conversation while we waited for the hub's phone to restore. We had many conversations about odd things with our new best friend Matt:

At that particular moment, he was demonstrating to all of us how to freeze like a statue on command. We were all impressed. He also introduced us to the growing in popularity "Pixar Theory" which states that all the Pixar films are related. Google it and watch the 12 minute youtube clip explaining it...then go to the Apple Store and talk with Matt about it. Mind. Blown.
Here's hoping to better sleep tonight. The kidlets return tomorrow and I hope to have a more restful night upon their return. The boy's 7th birthday is coming up on Wednesday and I, well, I don't want to talk about it. It is all just going too fast. My little baby is growing up. I said I don't want to talk about it. I'll just mull the Pixar Theory over as I try to sleep. Night all.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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