Monday, March 3, 2014

I am piling on and feeling evil

I am a bad person, but I am one of those people who has had a bit of a field day with John Travolta's major slipup with Idina Menzel's name pronunciation on the Oscars last night. I shouldn't be enjoying it as much as I am...but I am. There are hundreds of theories going around today about what in the world must have happened. He had a mini "episode" of some sort to the name was phonetically written out on the teleprompter and he forgot his glasses. Whatever the reason, he has throngs of little girls thrusting their frozen fists up in the air, cursing his major awards show faux pas. As I was checking "the Twitter" this evening, I found a handy widget called "Travolify My Name". You put your name in and in gives you John's creative version. Instead of Jenny Cook, my name is "Joey Cloirk". Some of the names I put in there had us crying they were so funny.

Yes, I am a horrible person for mocking Travolta along with lots of my fellow Oscar viewers. I hope he has a sense of humor and does something humorous in reaction to the "feedback". My husband "Blair " and I will ask for forgiveness in our amusement.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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