Thursday, March 13, 2014

Frozen healthy school activity

It was Walkathon day at G and F's school this afternoon. I was not really in the mood to go...busy day, substandard night's sleep, etc, but I went because I could not bear the thought of upsetting this face:

To be honest, G told me she didn't care if I attended or not. The boy tried to act like he didn't care, but I knew he probably did. Even though he barely talked to me as is the elementary school boy way, he held my hand the whole time. I ate that up of course.

After the Walkathon was over, I took the kids home early. Not much else was going on and most people have mentally checked out for Spring Break anyway. We picked up some salad makings, picked big sister up and went home. And then it happened. The dog made a prison break again. This time she jumped two fences in order to get in the neighbor's house. I was impressed and horrified all at once. She retired to her crate fairly early this evening. I think her adventure wore her out. Either that or she knew she'd better get in there for her own safety. She is insane. Really.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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