The kids were out again today, but not because of snow this time. Presidents' Day. It was a pretty uneventful day: an eye doc appointment for the boy...working childcare for Bible study for me and the inaugural trip to the dog park for Copper...a trip to the super car wash for the hub. Riveting day for sure. After all that excitement, the hub and I sat on the couch to watch Olympics or an episode of Dirty Jobs or something. The children were busying themselves throughout the house, playing with a Nerf gun, carrying the dog around, you know, typical stuff. Then some time went by and I realized that I hadn't seen them in a while. Not unusual, but I just wondered what they were up to in unseen parts of the house. One of us went to use the facilities and we saw scrambling and the door to the kitchen shut quickly. Eyes roll and the parental voice volume turns up. "What are you all doing in there?". Crickets. The hub asked again and was told that there was a surprise being prepared for us. When pressed, they said they were fixing dinner. I immediately looked at my phone's clock: 3:55. Oh wow. I'm all about getting a deal, but the early birds would regard this early bird special as too early. "We're making it for you two!'. Heads hanging in shame for our attitude, we were led to the table set with two plates already filled with food. "This was F's idea and this is what he wanted to fix..."...said sisters more than ready to throw him under the bus if we were upset. Our plates had chicken patty sandwiches and corn. A bowl of fruit cocktail was also included. Various condiments to spice up the sandwiches were ready for our enjoyment. We blessed the food, still puzzled as to why we were eating midafternoon. G pulled out her ipad and put some "music" on in the kitchen. When asked what it was, she said, "Romantic music." F said, "We wanted to give you all a romantic dinner today." The next thing we knew, S had gotten out her djembe and started to play. The boy started a combination interpretive dance and rap performance with G dancing with him:

"Sorry all we have is water. Would you drink something fancy with this meal?"...we thought about that. Then the hub said, "Well if we went to Harvest Towne(liquor store), what do you think they would pair with chicken patty and corn?". "Um, maybe a wine cooler? Boone's Farm? I got nothin'". The boy was so proud he had orchestrated a romantic dinner for his parents. Move over, Cupid. Apparently Washington and Lincoln are the new masters of love...and they have the round poultry patties to prove it. Love those kids.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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