Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Bubble wrap day

I want to wrap my kids up in bubble wrap and protect them from the world, but that is not a reasonable parenting technique. When I worry about life, I neglect other things. My brain is left to dangle out of my pocket and rock in the wind like the Lego Frankenstein on my keychain:

Today I was worried about a sad child and a headache sick child and completely forgot about the one who was having a halfway decent day. I made a quick run to Walgreens to get some Motrin and I completely leave him at church during G's choir practice. In all fairness, all those moms there are more than authorized by me to be mom in my absence, if they see my children acting like miscreants out in public when they are in high school or if they see they have gotten in a fender bender in front of Walgreens....or if their mother has no brain and leaves him playing the ipad in the choir room with one of his best friends. Just stop writing your speeches right now...I am winning the Mom of the Year award. Hands down.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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