On my quest in 2014 to become a little more trendy, what, I didn't share that with you? Today's trendy attempt was to find some new trendy shoes. Truth be known, Chucks and Vans are very trendy with the high school boy demographic, but for the 41 year old schlumpy mom set? Not so much. I am not so much into what demographic I fit into, but I was told that if I didn't diversify my shoe collection, it would violently and mysteriously disappear. Um, harsh statement number one. In my quest, I began to notice lots of different kinds of footwear. Anything with a heel more than a millimeter is out. Clutz of the highest order right here friends. So I started to notice that lots of people had on a certain brand of shoe. Heck, I've bought them for my own children. They are a charitable company, providing shoes to children. I don't have to tie them. Why not? When a dear friend found out I had never purchased a pair of said shoes, she said she might have to consider revoking the friend card. Harsh statement number two. On my quest, I learned a lot of things about charitable and eco friendly shoes. My best friend from college and I always joke about a certain actress who we are not great fans of (Natalie Portman) and her choice of foot wear. I found her preference at River Sports today:

Vegan shoes. I could have really gone Hollywood. Sadly, they did not have my size...and I loved them. But what I ended up with was these:

TOMS! I have taken a step, a charitable step, into trendiness. My kids were even proud and unashamed to buy bananas with me at the Kroger. It's a win win. Yes, I did pick the drabbest color that, as my college friend said, I need to introduce color and not look like the late Steve Irwin's cousin from the states. Struck out on that this time...crikey, I'll try harder next time.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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