Typical Sunday here at the ranch. I contemplated getting out of work this morning since I feel like I'm the grease spot on the road after a truck runs over a squirrel. I love living in East Tennessee, but the allergies kill me every Fall. I wasn't the brightest bulb in the pack not wearing a mask to mow yesterday, so I'm paying even more of a price today. We found ourselves, yet again, at the soccer fields today. S had practice for middle school which also provided a perfect time to wear some siblings out. When we arrived, the trash from yesterday's games had been knocked over, decorating the fields like confetti of shame. B got me the rubber gloves out of the first aid kit and we started cleaning up the mess. This was the time when the stuffy head paid off big time. Those dirty diapers covered in soured ice cream were no match for a major congestive episode. No feast for the eyes...after the pile of rejected onions covered in ants and baby formula from someone's rejected Sonic meal, well, I was done.
After practice came bells and choir for S, who is feeling a bit on the stuffy side herself. I stayed to be the second adult and worked on sock bunnies. Here are the latest in the ever growing litter:

I ended up giving them to two sisters who needed some pepping up. They seemed to be pleased with them. They are so easy to make, why not? We arrived home to find that the hub had "lost" the boy. Where on earth he could have gotten to, I don't know. I walked into the living room and found this:

If you notice at the bottom of the picture in the sleeve, you might notice some digits attached to, um, a foot. He truly is a trickster.
I'm hoping for a less hectic week this week. They are all hectic, but not as many obligations this week. Hopefully we won't lose the boy anymore. But if we do, I hope he'll be this easy to find.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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