Today started as all Sundays do with me stumbling until 9am when my coffee kicks in and I get my second wind. I got to play with a little Russian child visiting this morning. His mother was fascinated with some of the other children in the nursery, especially with their thick East Tennessee accents. It was entertaining to watch. The hub stayed home with G and F who were recovering from ear infections and soccer injuries. He got the exciting task of starting school projects with them. His favorite: dioramas. Cue sad trombone sound here. He hates having to do those things. I, on the other hand, love to do them. But I have to reign it in and not get crazy. Teachers these days. They are all about "let them do their own work" and "it's their project" and all that baloney. I kid, I kid. I do love to make little shoebox models for whatever they are studying. So when I got home, G had somehow convinced the hub to let her make a paper mache' round house for her study on the Cherokee. She was covered in newspaper and goo when I walked out on the patio. I'm proud they did it outside. G was ready to let the goo dry and her daddy's back had decided it was time for him to have a rest, so I started helping the boy with his diorama: sharks in an ocean habitat. Mercifully, he did not have a desire for gooey projects, so we pulled out the Shrinky Dinks instead. I drew in pencil what he wanted and he outlined and colored them. I will be baking them tomorrow. Pictures will follow when both projects are done...if we survive it.
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I Love the creativity! My nieces did Civil War themed pieces made out of Peeps. And they could eat whatever they didn't think worked!