Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I have little time to write tonight. My oldest is still hard at work doing homework and hasn't even made a dent. Her head and her dad's head are both about to pop off. I am currently trying to remedy a problem with some school supplies. The kids at school all have an agenda, a little spiral noebook planner thing, that is like their hall pass/schedule/calendar/life in middle school. If you lose it, major crap hits the fan. If it isn't taken care of, major crap hits the fan. So today in Beta Club, a "friend" took the agenda out of S's backpack and wrote her name on every single page of the agenda. 128 pages worth of agenda. S is now mortified to have a teacher or administrator see the agenda with someone's name written completely through. SO while she sorts through 4 hours of homework, I am running through pencils erasing this girl's name from the important office supply. I can't help but think of my father's words about things like this..."Fool's names and fool's faces are often seen in public places"....or agendas. Seriously. Get a grip, vandal.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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