Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New news, kind of

The possibility of Lyme disease was thrown in the mix full tilt today. Apparently it was not tested for in the hospital, so they did blood work today to rule that out. The dermatologist called today for a very detailed conversation about our child. She and our favoroite rock star doc from Children's have a lot of questions still, but have dcome to their personal conclusion. They believe out girl is allergic to the preservative that is in the Vitamin K shot she received in the hospital. This would also explain her allergic reaction to the Cipro in the hospital when they gave her an IV. It had preservative in it as well. They wanted to give her a shot of prednisone to get the healing underway, but quickly changed their minds for fear of the preservative reaction there. So our little blonde waif is now roided up on the oral stuff and it is making her CRAZY!!! She may finally be able to gain the weight back that she lost, although she can't slow down, so....scratch that. Anyhoo, that's what we know and we await the call from the doctor to explain the bloodwork findings. Jeepers.

We met her homebound teacher today. He seems to be a nice enough chap, though we'll have to loosen him up a bit. His initiation into the family will be a kind and gentle one, involving lots of baked goods and crafts. Welcome to the family, teach!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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